Monday, March 23, 2009

Check out for a FREE GIVEAWAY! Thanks Sera!


  1. I'm gonna be honest, I totally want to win this! :)

  2. I entered the contest and became your follower. Not only are your bows spectacular, but this presentation is incredible!!! I could see this as a big hit at holiday craft fairs! You're very talented...

  3. This has to be the cutest way to show off bows I have ever seen. I buy LOTS of bows for my daughter, normally at boutiques, and this has to be the cutest presentation ever. Now I think I am going to start buying them on Etsy! I also commented on your friend's blog that your prices are so reasonable. I will be buying soon!! Excellent work!! Maridith

  4. I think this is absolutely adorable. I'd love to win it for my girls!

  5. This is so creative and gorgeous!! You do fabulous work!!

  6. This is sooo amazing! I wish I was creative! I just entered and visited your shop! All i can say is....WOW!

    I want this soooo badly! I just found out that they were wrong and I'm actually having a little girl instead of another boy! I am THRILLED and cant wait to get my bow selection started!

